
Listen Up Storytelling was formed in 2020 as a social Enterprise with the aim of helping  professionals who support others to support themselves. 

This is done through workshops that use creative arts and storytelling to help people share what’s going on for them at work. Then they can work together to  develop ways to pay attention to what’s important to them and work towards achieving this. 

Other work includes carrying out research using storytelling and creative methods. Projects include 'Stories of Covid', which culminated in a virtual art exhibition, evaluation of a leadership project which resulted in a film shared on social media and 'SEEDS: A project' with nurses experiencing stress at work.

In 2022 collaboration with Dr Caroline Dickson resulted in the development of CAKE an interactive resource for team wellbeing.

All of these are available on the . 

"Everyone has a story to tell and stories are at the heart of everything we do. Little did I know when i was drawing on my nursing experience to tell my stories to student nurses that it would take me down the path of entrepreneurship. "

Miriam Smith was the person who encouraged, inspired and supported me on this journey. Her drive and enthusiasm helped me believe that i had a good idea that i could run with. I am also very grateful to Business Gateway for supporting me with the Business side of things which is not my strong point. Their workshops and guidance were invaluable.